Version 1.7.80 to 1.9x

Released: 29 Aug, 2024

  • Released Anchor Manager tool
  • Added Indonesian language support
  • Notification for bulk processes
  • Bulk retry process upgraded

Version 1.6.73 to 1.7.80

Released: 27 July, 2024

  • Released Site Visualiser tool
  • Added Dutch, Portuguese language support
  • Notification for bulk processes
  • Supports relative URL for WooCommerce products

Version 1.6.72

Released: 12 July, 2024

  • Subscription model added in the Billing section
  • Notification module is revamped and added on the app
  • Bug fixed related to finding dead-end posts

Version 1.2.56

Released: 24 June, 2024

  • Fixed anchor target structure and anchor Inconsistency Issue
  • Fixed bulk custom anchor input issue

Version 1.2.55

Released: 23 June, 2024

  • Sync issue regarding ‘text search configuration’ fixed

Version 1.2.54

Released: 23 June, 2024

  • Added Link Configuration feature; Users can insert links without the trailing slash and use relative URL (without specifying domain)

Version 1.2.53

Released: 22 June, 2024

  • Anchor text capitalization issue fixed
  • Multiple anchor text in the same generated text fixed

Version 1.2.52

Released: 20 June, 2024

  • Bulk semantic matching is now even faster and ready for more than 100 posts
  • Fixed an issue regarding negative credits
  • Posts containing relative URL now work on Outbound tool

Version 1.2.51 (Major Upgrade)

Released: 12 June, 2024

  • Billing system refactored to generate dynamic payment links
  • The bulk semantic matching algorithm is 10X faster for English and other languages
  • Added Anchor Configuration settings to modify target, relation, and class attributes of the added links
  • The links report tool is now faster and doesn’t have any duplication issue

Version 1.2.36 (Major Upgrade)

Released: 05 June, 2024

  • Upgraded the tech stack to handle more concurrent requests.
  • The semantic search algorithm now works 10X faster.
  • Anchor texts are more descriptive.
  • The bulk tool should handle 100 posts without any issues.

Version 1.1.36

Released: 26 May, 2024

  • Improved our semantic search algorithm to extract better embeddings which returns a more accurate similarity score.
  • Language models are loaded on different server instances for faster loading and accuracy.
  • For text generation models, decentralized the language parameter from user preference on the site settings page.

Version 1.0.36

Released: 25 May, 2024

  • Stopped adding texts over problematic headings with broken HTML tags and schemas that can potentially break contents in Gutenberg.

Version 1.0.35

Released: 25 May, 2024

  • Fixed an issue where after deleting and then re-adding a project, plugin was not syncing.

Version 1.0.34

Released: 24 May, 2024

  • Fixed an issue where users were getting “Insufficient balance” during creating new Silo and Custom Network .

Version 1.0.33

Released: 24 May, 2024

  • On the report page, wrong orphan count was being shown. Fixed this issue.

Version 1.0.32

Released: 24 May, 2024

  • Fixed an issue where new users were’nt able to create first project.

Version 1.0.28 to Version 1.0.31

Released: 24 May, 2024

  • Fixed an issue where new users were not able to register.
  • After registration new users were not able to login with the provided password.
  • Newly registered users getting deleted after 15 minutes even after verifying.

Version 1.0.27

Released: 22 May, 2024

  • Fixed an issue where users were getting “Permission denied” error on both Inbound and Outbound tools.

Version 1.0.26

Released: 22 May, 2024

  • Minor refactoring. Relevant to devs.

Version 1.0.25

Released: 22 May, 2024

  • Fixed a glitch where users were getting “No active packages found” issue after browser reload.

Version 1.0.24

Released: 22 May, 2024

  • Changes relevant to devs only.

Version 1.0.23

Released: 21 May, 2024

  • Fixed an issue where there was “No sentences found” error for Inbound and Outbound tools for Classic Editor.

Version 1.0.21 to Version 1.0.22

Released: 21 May, 2024

  • Made some changes on the server end. Doesn’t really affect the users.

Version 1.0.16 to Version 1.0.20

Released: 20 May, 2024

  • Fixed a plugin authentication error. This issue doesn’t affect users; it’s only relevant to the developers.
  • LinkBoss now supports German, French, and Spanish, in addition to English! Please note that this feature is still in beta, so there may be some limitations.
  • Users can now define project preference settings. Currently, you can modify language settings. The link structure settings feature is on hold but will be introduced very soon!

Version 1.x.x to Version 1.0.16 (Major Upgrade)

Released: 1 May, 2024

  • Fixed a bug in the Bulk tool where it showed the error “User has no package” for LTD users.
  • Modified the DB schema to reduce data transactions.
  • Reduced content update time from LinkBoss App to WordPress.
  • Introducing Elementor support. Users can now use Inbound, Outbound, Silo, and Custom network tools to create links to an Elementor post! Bulk tool support is not available yet.
  • Fixed an issue where the updated content gets duplicated when the classic editor is used and there are unnecessary whitespaces in the content.
  • Fixed a glitch where the Outbound tool page breaks if there’s a comma in the source post’s outbound and external links’ anchors.
  • Fixed an issue where there’s a wrong URL in the Outbound tool’s “Manually inserted target post URL” section.
  • Users can now see their own subscription packages on a separate page.
  • Fixed a glitch where users see “Invalid Network” while creating a new custom network by providing the URLs manually.
  • Introduced a new tool: Archive Silo! Users can now create a silo structure using an Archive page (or basically any other page — as long as it’s in the same domain) as a pillar! E-commerce site owners requested this feature.
  • Fixed an issue where internal links were being listed as external links when URL domains had “www” even though the added project domain didn’t have it.
  • Generating new paragraphs now works much faster and is less error-prone.
  • Fixed a glitch where some users were getting “no posts found” in Archive Silo’s “Generate New Anchor” section.
  • Fixed a glitch where a post doesn’t update if the same source post is updated twice in an archive silo.
  • Introducing the new Link Report tool. You can see inbound, outbound, and external links of each post and page.
  • Fixed a bug where the map in Archive Silo loads without a pillar post.
  • Introducing a new Semantic Paragraph module. You can now use the Smart Interlinking feature to add new content to an existing paragraph, instead of placing the new section (new heading + new paragraph) above an existing heading, as requested by many users.

Version 0.x.x to Version 0.9.x

Released: 15 Jan, 2024

After the highly successful MVP release in September 2023, we noticed the app was consuming heavy resources. We received more responses than anticipated, causing the app to overload frequently. As a result, we began recoding the entire app for better performance and scalability. We rebuilt the whole code infrastructure using a more capable tech stack. This upgraded version is significantly faster and can handle a much larger number of users than before.